Wednesday, July 28, 2010

budak2 yang amik exam!

hello people!
tahun nie saya,abang saya Abdul Hadi Ahmad Zaki, adik saya Nur Aliah Ahmad Zaki dan adik lelaki saya Abdul Halim Ahmad Zaki akan.......

menduduki exam besar!!!!!

hadi amik STPM

saya amik final sem mcm gempak sangat je!

yayah amik SPM

alim amik PMR

cuak tak? tak la sangat!

semoga kami semua dapat buat yang terbaik untuk semua pihak! wah dh macam artis malaysia yang kne buat performance dekat hollywood jah!

at last!

watching The Sorcerer Apprentice!

buy new pashmina!

buy sundae!

this is umie fatihah!

hello people! even theres no people yang baca blog i! hahaha biaselah private and confidential lah katakan! its ok! i will publish it later. =] yeah semalam 27/7/2010 saya dan rakan saya keluar ke taiping untuk berjumpa dan bergembira di saat2 pelajar sekolah sedang belajar! kosong je tS tak de budak sekolah! huhu =]
yang tak best nak cerita nih adalah i kene naik bas OMNIBUS ke taiping! what?? =[ dah lme sungguh tidak lambai2 tangan bila ade binatang bertayar 6 (bas wane merah yang berhabuk gler nak mampos) berlari2 hampir dengan istana yang bertiang tapi tak berdinding (bus stop). huh..sebab kereta hadi tidak ada jd terpaksalah i naik itu benda! i tunggu hampir cair make up setebal 1 inchi (bohong2) bas tuh tak muncul2 lagi! RD pown sudah hampir habis i bace (belek jew) pown tak sampai2 lagi! maner ko pergi huh bas? ponteng shift ka pa? umie yang dari manjong pown dah lme sampai taiping! takpe2 maafkan bus tu!

sampai je sne jumpa umie terus then pergi CIMB! i nak kuarkan harta karun yang sudah lama petronas kasi! hahaha

conversation dengan accountant situh!
thra: saya nak buat card mcm mner yerk?
ac : tengok ic...owh dah atas umur! boleh buat tanpa kehadiran parents nih!
thra : owh...
ac :amik ini borang pergi isi dekat sne jumpa pegawai dekat situ mintak borang!
thra :eh...saya tak nak buat card tu hari nie.saya cume tanye je!
ac :la......igtkan nak buat sekarang!
thra :tak la...kwn saya sudah tunggu tue takut lme pulak nanti!
ac :pak we ker?
thra :saya mner ade pakwe cik! tu hah kwn saya (sambil tunjuk2 umie yang tengah kunyah twistes) saya pergi dulu! terima kasih!

kiteorang terus amik teksi pergi tS!

conversation dengan uncle taxi!
uncle: nak pegi mner?
thra :tS...(time tu umie tgh kunyah2 lg twistes)
uncle:tak puase ke?
thra :....(asl lah uncle nih tanye soalan yang mcm tuh dekat kami anak dara nih!) tak!
uncle: la...rugilah hampa!
thra : dush3 rase nak tutp mke je!

sampai tS lapang gler sebab tak de lah budak2 sekolah yang tak cukup umur lagi bergaya bagai nak rak jalan ramai2 keliling stu tS! hahaha.....terus naik escalator pergi tempat tiket wayang! zuppp.....saya nak 2 tiket wayang The Sorcer Apprentices! pkol 12 cik! huh sekarang pkol bpe? sudah pkol 12! ok cepat skit... nah rm20....lari2 pergi bilik movie no 7! wah dah start! saya menghayati setiap detik cerita itu! owh perbuatan saya tak bagus sgt yer sebab cerita mcm tuh nak hayati tapi bile time baca yassin agak mengantuk! dush3 tumbuk banyak skit minah nih!

i give u 10star!

then pergi solat dulu baru pergi makan!

then pergi jalan2 i terjumpa baju tu! i terus beli!

then pergi A&W

then tunggu teksi datang amik!



Monday, July 26, 2010

semangat gler...

**attention to all people! i found something interesting to read and take a note!hehe...this story i get from my kmpp portal! enjoy it!**

oh my God!!! ups dah tak lama lagi dah... 2 minggu je lagi... apa yg harus aku buat ni???????????? aku tertunggu-tunggu cuti yang juga akan menyusul 3 hari selepas exam ups.. x sabar rasanya nak balik makan budu puas-puas kat umah... nak jumpa awek aku lagi... rindu giler kat amalina... asyik dok dengar suara jah.. nak video call,, aku guna henpon 33 skupang jah... tapi sebelum aku buleh balik rumah kena la sit for diz upcoming ups.. oh man oh man,, takut giler ni.... mat... buleh la cket2.. kimia.. i dont know what i am studying during chem lectures.. and last,, fizik,, sepatah haram pun aku kagak ngerti........ silap2 hari bulan mahu nyer aku kena tendang kalu pointer aku tak sampai dia punyer level selamat.. dah la hari tu seminggu aku x masuk kuliah pasal balik coz kena kuarantin wabak selsema b@b1 H1N1.... tapi jgn risau.. hero x gadoh.. anok klate x takot kow gapow pon kecuali kpd Tuhan........... jgn risau aku akan dapat 4.0 or what the so-called 4-flat for this exam...... Ni gakki or secend semester.... wait for me........... HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

semoga pelajar ini mendapat kejayaan 4rata

notebook free!

hello people!
i hav a good news to those who wants to hav their own notebook comel mcm tuh! hehehe... now Telekom ade buat promotion bout having internet line under Telekom lah! mcm mner erk?
mcm nih!
u pergi dekat Telakom then kata boleh tak saya nak notebook PERCUMA? sambil garu2 kepala Telekom pown jawab boleh!

U : mcm mner?
Telekom: senang sje! cik adik manis nie kne langgan kiteorg punyer line!
U : mcm mner?
Telekom: senang sje! cik adik beli line kiteorg dengan membayar RM38.oo sebulan sje! then akan dpat notebook kecil molek datang dari singapore!
U : hebat promosi! then?
Telekom: kami akan on kan line cik adik dengan syarat cik adik gne line kami dan akan dpt notebook idaman cik adik free2 jee.... *thumbs up*
U : wah hebat!
Telekom: cik adik berminat?
U : tengoklah dulu saya akan pertimbangkan!
Telekom: baiklah!

actly telekom buat promotion nih sebab nak tarik semula rakyat kepada line telekom! sekarangkan sume orang mostly dah gne handphone so tak ramai yang pkai line! cume syarikat2,kilang2,sekolah2, atau ape2 premislah je yang gne line telekom! utk tarik balik pelanggan telekom buatlah macam nih! kan kreatif idea dorang! bagus2 good job!

so spe yang berminat sila hadirkan diri ke cawangan Telekom yang berdekatan dengan anda!

Take a note

hello people!
how are you today? wake up early in the morning or you just wake to turn off ur alarm then continue dreaming till ur mom shout: anak dara boleh bangun tak???? =] it juz human being!
im going to write bout human! yeah HUMAN! do u get me?
yeah every human has or hav? erm...better i used bahasa melayu! tetttt....

setiap manusia ada kelebihan mahupun keburukan masing2 yang mereka mahu tunjukkan dan sembunyikan! just like me! i love to make people impressed bout me! just like teacher Jaseemah said "she adorable!" huhuhu =] and sometime maybe i buat orang lain rse annoying dgn i! what i care! u care so go ahead! yeah mungkin mencarpubkan diri lebih baik dari mengata belakang! i agree! so mencarpublah diri anda! seriously if kita manusia tak aktifkan diri dalam apa2 perkara mungkin kita akan ketinggalan! trust me! people dun know u and tatau pown u wujud sebab u live in the small world that is ur own world! why dun u try u rise ur hand and said somthing that make people think! think,think,think!!! =] again and again trust me! dont be too shy to make people see u observe u and talk about u but dont insulting them! open ur mind! think positive always every single second and dont try to be friends wif Mr.Giveup or Ms.weakness! they are not my frenz! i try my best dear to look so tough enough!

then if u sit for any quiz or else dont think that 2/10 is ur last chances! u must face it and dont think the past! like umie said : let bygone be bygone! its just an obstacle that hate to see u in the stage of succes!believe me! then if u late attending tutorial dont turn back and walk slowly to ur room! run and run to the tutorial class! walk with full confident and knock the door say: sorry teacher i try to come early next time! thats it! kan senang!

then if u feel so lazyness gler nak mampos hadir kuliah, the tak payah pergilah! sebab dah memang pemalas gler nak mampos!sebab mama kte everything is up to diri sendiri! yang nak berjaya diri sendiri! so take a note! yang ta nak hadir kuliah awak bukan saya so dont burden me with ur reason! thank you!!! =]

p/s: this entry just to make my hand working during this holiday!huhu but take a note bout what i said just now! thank you!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

im shock!





if i were u i will pray a lots so my mom will buy dclr for me! nikon! huhu.... there a man who will snap our picture during any event dekat kmpp! so smart! he is my kuliah mate! dia ade dclr baru ngaku budak kuliah! hehehe..... i love to see him when he start holding his dclr! owh damn!!!

box offices

hello people!! u orang sudah tgk this movie? thats not really important to watch this movie but if u sudah tengok just admitted that the story was so crazy! i love it and will watch it again wif someone! she but just wait! i love when they start to fighting each other wif the new vampire group that control by Victoria! i tak tengok new moon tau so when eclipse begin my otak start blur!huhuhu =] its ok i just wait till the story end! best lah eclipse as the hero and heroin pown cun2 belaka and they all looks very profesional!thra bodek plak! wait! in this eclipse i choose Jacob even he dont know me! he look so sexy!t topless!huhu.....

this plak adalah movie yang i want to watch!dont miss out! best gler the making dia even i ta tgk lagi movie tuh! but i will then i akan kecoh2kan dlm ceritabudakperempuan! huhu....this story mcm Merlin Adv.tapi nak tgk jugak!

its so....

“I found this story from syamsulfitri blog! enjoy the story”

read with passion

As I sat there in English class,I stared at the girl next to me.She was my so-called ’best friend’. I stared at her long, silky hair. I wished she were mine, but she didn’t notice me like that. And I knew it. After class she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before, and I handed them to her.She said ’thanks’ and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her. I wanted her to know that I don’t want to be just friends. I love her, but I’m just too shy. And I don’t know why.

11th Grade...
The phone rang. It was her on the other end. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn’t want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa,I stared at her soft eyes,wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, a Drew Barrymore movie,and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me,said ’thanks,’ and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her. I want her to know that I don’t want to be just friends. I love her,but I’m just too shy.And I don’t know why.

12th Grade...
The day before prom she walked to my locker. ’My date is sick,’ she said. He’s not going to go. Well,I didn’t have a date and in 7th grade we made a promise that if neither of us had dates we would go together just as ’best friends,’ so we did. Prom night, after everything was over,I was standing at her front doorstep. I stared at her. She smiled at meand stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she doesn’t think of me like that,and I know it. Then she said, ’I had the best time,thanks!’ and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her.I want her to know that I don’t want to be just friends. I love her,but I’m just too shy. And I don’t know why...

Graduation Day...
A day passed. A week passed. A month passed. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn’t notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and she cried as I hugged her. Then, she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, ’You’re my best friend,thanks!’ and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her. I want her to know that I don’t want to be just friends. I love her, but I’m just too shy. And I don’t know why...

A Few Years Later...
Now, I sit in the pews of the church. She is getting married,now. I watched her say, ’I do’ and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine but she didn’t see me like that,and I knew it. But before shedrove away, she came to me andsaid, ’You came!’ She said, ’thanks!’and kissed me on the cheek.I want to tell her. I want her to know that I don’t want to be just friends. I love her, but I’m just too shy. And I don’t know why...

Years pass, and I looked down at the coffin of the girl who used to be my best friend.’ At the service they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read: I stare at him wishing he were mine. But he doesn’t notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him. I want him to know that I don’t want to be just friends. I love him, but I’m just too shy, and I don’t know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me...i wish I did too...i thought to myself, and I cried.

Friday, July 23, 2010

talkshow about you

todays topic is: parent spend time more on work or wif their children?

hello people! asal kita tahu zaman sekarang ramai parents yang lebihkan kerjaya dari kasih sayang anak2 mereka! setuju? kalau setuju mungkin anda salah seorang dari yang tersisih tuh!maaf lah tapi mungkin tak semua parents mcm tuh and i agree with that! im so lucky one as my parents treat me and my sibling like princess!kuang3.... =] tapi cuba bayangkan orang lain yang kurang kasih sayang! bayangkan..... for me parents is the most important for children! they need u and want u treat them as what they see! huh??? i means anak2 nih nak parents care psl dorang mcm kwn2 dorang yg sgt rapat dengan parents dorang!
just imagine klu sekarang parents tak kisah sgt pasal ank2 maybe bila parents dah tua and tak bekerja mungkin ank2 plak tak kisah sgt pasal parents! fair and square buttt..... dont be like that! DONT! so as parents should muhasabah diri and if u strugle working and at last u retire then ur children sudah besar panjang tak de dekat rumah pergi sambung belajar? rugi and maybe should arrange ur time between love and work! we care bout u!thank you!!!

love like this

dont u think i like p??????

this is mish yg comel

im not sure bout this pict!

lastly this is my practicum mate yg hebat!

this is wat we call perwakilan pelajar! glurrpp itu thra yg kasi name! actly this is session tangkap gambar for kunang kenang!hehehe =] time nih sume student kne wearing kot then posing2 sudah tangkap gambar! best sgt! mner tak yer disuruh posing paling cun gitu! freak! sume comel!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

a week before ups

a week before UPS!
im give up! i outing wif them! watching Eclipse! shopping a lots! arif lah yang punyer pasal sampai i terpaksa pergi tukar baju lain! just to make u stop insulting me! herghh..T_T arif saje! time tgk eclipse arif yang mulut tak boleh tutup tu asyik bubling je dengan mish! i know eclipse best! who wants to ask me out to watch eclipse again???
so this is our picture! theres also some pict when i mish farhan and farid go out!

mereka tidak mahu saya makan banyak2

dia lah arif fahmi yang banyak mulut tuh sorry...

be tough man~

i love this one!coz i look so mucho2 c---!

inilah puteri lilin yang belajar dekat kmpp!

p/s: thank you guys!


u can see wat i see? cool! this is my practicum group and they are so damn weird! but i love it muchy3...=] first2 jumpe dorang mcm biase je ala-ala malu2 lg! but then after a month wow so freak! mostly sume ske snap picture! hahahaha.... actly i tatau nak start dari mne for telling the story sebab everything is starting!!

memebers of F1P2:
Wei wei
Shuk Gp
Zoe Sp
farid Addin
Vermen Yap